美国联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)将于2017年6月14日18:00 GMT 发布最新的美国指标利率决议,届时市场波幅可能明显加剧。AETOS艾拓思谨此提示您在高度风险事件来临时保持格外谨慎,特别是流动性下降可能会导致买卖差价扩大以及价格波幅加剧,从而导致有部分订单(包括止损/止盈/限价/市价)可能因市场流动性问题而无法按照您指定的价位成交。
如有任何疑问, 欢迎您随时与我们联系:
Dear Customer,
U.S. Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) will release the latest U.S. Benchmark Interest Rate decision at 18:00 GMT on 14th June 2017, where significant market volatility will likely be anticipated. AETOS would like to remind you to remain cautious before and during these risky events. In particular, shortage of liquidity may result in spread widening and increase price volatility, which may cause some of your orders (include stop loss/ take profit/ limit order/ market order) to be executed at a price differ from the price you have requested.
For your best interest, please closely monitor any market changes and have risk management measures prepared to lower any risks you might encounter.
Please feel free to contact us should you have any queries or need any assistance: